We live in a changing world in which professional relationships are created at a local, regional, national, and global level… What you want to do with that world is up to you.
Being open to the world gives us many professional and personal advantages, yet we are not always ready to work and communicate in an efficient and calm way with our colleagues, clients, and professional partners with a different cultural background.
Most of the time, technical or practical obstacles are not the ones that create barriers. Most often, hindrances originate from our minds.

There are multiple situations which will lead you to work with and communicate with individuals and teams of other cultures.
You work and communicate with colleagues and partners at a local and global level, and you wish to improve your cooperation.
You work remotely in virtual teams and wish to overcome differences caused by your different cultures.
You are in the middle of a merger & acquisition process and wish to integrate cultural thoughts and acts in your approach.
You wish to better understand your own functioning as well as that of your team in order to improve your performance and well-being.
You wish to understand the impact of inclusion and diversity in the workplace in order to better help every member of your team to contribute to innovations and solutions.
You are in charge of the expatriation of a part of your company’s employees and wish to prepare them to this new personal and professional experience.
Your situation?
These situations can create synergies and complementarities or hardship and blockades. In this complex context, you want to implement training courses or workshops in order to build a solid foundation in order to better work and communicate together.
As an intercultural trainer and coach, I have had the opportunity to work with companies and organisations of different national cultures, different fields, jobs, organisations, and generations.
As an intercultural consultant, I have had the opportunity to work with companies and organisations of different national cultures, different fields, jobs, organisations, and generations.
- … culture is a dynamic and progressive process which is socially constructed.
- … self- and other-awareness are prerequisites in order to work and communicate well together.
… it is possible to acquire this knowledge and these intercultural skills in order to create synergies.
… intercultural cooperation and competition at an international level are not mutually exclusive.
In order to help you to better communicate and work together in a professional context, we offer intercultural training courses, that are interactive and tailor-made using scientifically verified tools such as the Cultural Orientations Indicator® (COI).

In order to increase the transparency and legibility of our offer and to better suit your specific needs, we offer 3 training course formulas.
In order to increase the transparency and legibility of my offer and to better suit your specific needs, I offer 3 training course formulas.
The Individual or Couples/Families Training Course
(for expatriates and impatriates)
- 1-to-2-day training course according to your needs.
- Based on individual intercultural skills (ex: knowing your communication and interaction preferences in a professional context, ability to adapt your communication and interaction style…) and/or your country knowledge.
- Includes a preliminary diagnostic.
Team Training Course
- Training course lasting one or multiple days according to your needs.
- Based on intercultural team skills (ex: knowing your teammates’ communication and interaction preferences, cooperating remotely and virtually) and/or your country knowledge (ex: your client’s country…).
- Includes a preliminary diagnostic.
Workshop & team seminar
- Individualised workshop lasting one or multiple days according to your needs.
- Based on your specific questioning (ex: multicultural team building, develop your team’s intercultural skills in order to internationalise your companies, unlock potentially conflictual situations, develop intercultural skills for high potential talents, for expatriates…).
- Includes a preliminary diagnostic (based on questionnaires & interviews) and a 100% tailor-made offer.

Business registration number for a training provider: 82 69 10736 69
This registration does not imply State approval
The main goals of these training courses and intercultural workshops are to:

Transmit intercultural skills in order to act and convince in an international context

Enable awareness-raising to your own cultural influences

Give an understanding of diversity

Know how to act based on the situation at hand

All of our human and intellectual qualities are put into ensuring quality trainings through qualified, and experienced trainers.

Trust and mutual respect are at the foundation of any successful collaboration.
These two elements are essential. Without them, it is difficult to envision human relations as a whole, whether they be personal or professional.

Our objective is to create a collaborative environment which is clear and transparent, in order for each person to be fully integrated whilst also making room for innovation.

Our objective is to stay simple: that starts with human relations, is followed by clear and legible mutual commitments being put into place and finishes with shared actions understood by all.

Beauty might be more of a stance than a value: to take the time to be amazed by beauty within things, people, and situations experienced together.

Silvia Didier is a coach, trainer, and an experienced intercultural consultant. She is also a lecturer author and associate university professor working in an intercultural context. Silvia has more than 20 years of professional experience in the fields of training and intercultural coaching, marketing, communication, and strategic consulting.
Holder of university diplomas earned in Germany, France and the United States in business, medias and communication management and administration, Silvia started her career as a B-to-B marketing analyst in Munich, Germany. After multiple years as an analyst, she continued to work as a strategic consultant and project manager for PriceWaterhouseCoopers Germany with clients in the fields of media and entertainment.

In 2001, Silvia moved to France where she founded Projet France International, which offers solutions in the fields of coaching, training, and intercultural consulting.
In addition to this, Silvia also works in the academic field and has had different educational responsibilities at iaelyon – School of Management, Université Lyon 3 (ex. Co-director of the Management and International Commerce section, and Teaching Manager for the International MBA in continuous learning).
Silvia Didier has solid experience in the support and coaching of expatriates.
In the past, she worked with participants from various countries and nationalities such as India, Brazil, Germany, France, China, South Africa, Egypt and Turkey.
In order to focus even more on managers and their needs, she has been trained as an Executive Coach at the Université CY, Paris, in September of 2019.

Silvia’s philosophy as a coach, trainer and intercultural consultant is to give value to differences by channelling the richness of cultural diversity, by channelling the wisdom that lies within alternative (cultural) perspectives.
Silvia fluently speaks French, English, and German.
Taught and certified as an intercultural trainer at Jena University in East Germany, I work with expatriates and inpatriates, with couples going through international mobilities and bi- or multicultural teams in order to facilitate transition times and cooperation between people of different cultures.
Taught and certified as an executive coach at the Université CY Paris, I accompany managers and executives while using a variety of behavioural techniques and methods in order to reach a series of goals which have been jointly identified; I do this in order to improve their professional performances as well as their personal satisfaction and, consequently, increase the efficiency of their organisations.
Since 2011, I have been a lecturer and speaker intervening in different programs of the iaelyon – School of Management. I have held various positions and roles: Speaker, Teaching Manager for different Masters in International Management, Co-director for the International Management and Trade section. My driving force is to contribute to the learning and developing of internationally and diversity-oriented students.
TMC / Berlitz’s certification to approaching different cultural orientations (Cultural Orientations Approach Certification COA) has allowed me to use the COI, a scientifically verified psychometric tool. This evaluation tools allows me to analyse each participant’s cultural profile and compare it with expected behaviour in the targeted culture or for a specific mission. The goal is to suggest behavioural adjustments in order to optimise exchanges in a international context.
The Culture Profile Indicator is a tool developed by the German company ComTeam AG, which allows you to understand your company’s culture and succeed in developing it in a national or international context which is constantly changing.
As a Certified Chart Coach (CCC) I am specialized in two main topics:
- Leadership development: click here for more informations
- Building high performance teams: click here for more informations
Through its unique Performance Assurance SystemTM, an award-winning methodology, Chart Learning Solutions, can deliver off-the-shelf courses specially designed for the development of soft skills that produce outstanding results. This is particularly important when behavioral changes are required and when sustainable learning results for each individual matter.
Chart Learning Solutions and its certified coachs help organizations:
- Create effective processes for driving results
- Build a common language between different departments of the company
- Ignite high-quality conversations that stimulate innovation and creativity
- Achieve employee accountability through our Performance Assurance System.

We work better when we work together. That is why I work with carefully selected partners, that are specialists in their fields, and have Franco German and international skills, competencies and experience.
Through its unique Performance Assurance SystemTM, an award-winning methodology, Chart Learning Solutions, can deliver off-the-shelf courses specially designed for the development of soft skills that produce outstanding results. This is particularly important when behavioral changes are required and when sustainable learning results for each individual matter.
Chart Learning Solutions and its certified coachs help organizations:
- Create effective processes for driving results
- Build a common language between different departments of the company
- Ignite high-quality conversations that stimulate innovation and creativity
- Achieve employee accountability through our Performance Assurance System.